Friday, May 15, 2020

Small Business Management - 10828 Words

SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SKILLS A c o m m u n i t y b A s e d A p p roAc h FACILITATOR’S GUIDE Small Business Management Skills Facilitator’s Guide 1  © Care International in Kenya FeBrUarY 2010 Content and editing Paul Gachie - CARE International in Kenya Wario Chege – Setpro Consult, Nairobi Illustrations Elijah Njoroge Design layout Peter Cheseret, Nairobi Small Business Management Skills Facilitator’s Guide 2 (a) aCKnowlegements The development and consolidation of this tool was made possible by funding from AusAID through the funding Livestock Purchase Fund (LipFund) project. The training package for Small Business Management Skills has been brought together as a result of business management skills training†¦show more content†¦Ã‚Æ' When training, maintain eye contact with the participants. ÂÆ' Use energizers to liven up participants when they look tired or dull. ÂÆ' Follow up your participants’ progress after the training. ÂÆ' Make learning FUN and smile at your participants. This way, you will have the full attention of the group. the attention of the participants on you. ÂÆ' Check understanding by asking the participants questions on what you have been training. ÂÆ' Always appreciate the participants’ contributions. ÂÆ' Adhere to the training program ÂÆ' Conclude the sessions by visualizing the subject covered ÂÆ' Always appreciate the participants’ contributions i)the small Business management skill - Facilitator guide CARE International in Kenya’s Small Business Management Skill (SBMS) facilitators manual is the official training document for micro enterprises. Training of facilitators is mandatory for effectiveShow MoreRelatedSmall Business Management Essays1535 Words   |  7 Pagesthat a small enterprise should meet three criteria: independent (not part of a larger enterprise); managed in a personalized manner(simple management structure); relatively small share of the market(the enterprise is a price ‘taker’ rather than price ‘maker’). 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