Monday, February 24, 2020

Barack Obama Speech in Cairo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barack Obama Speech in Cairo - Essay Example In a maiden speech delivered in Cairo University on 6 April 2009, he addressed violent extremism, Israel and Palestine war, nuclear weapons, democracy, women's rights and economic development.  He asserted that the West and Islam should start confronting these issues. This paper will only focus on the issue of violent extremism in America. It will explain why the issue is meaningful to me and analyze the assertions Obama made about the issue and the evidence he gives to support those assertions. I believe that the issue of violent extremism is very significant in this context. America is seemingly the most democratic country in the world subject to its race and religion diversity. Prior to this speech, tension between the United States and Muslims around the world had been rising for years. Islam and the West had relationships marred by cooperation as well as conflicts. While the West fostered modernization and globalization, the Muslim nations view the West acts as demeaning to th e Islam traditions. As a result, Muslims execute violence against the Americans killing Muslims, Christians, and innocent people though America. In addition, America in its right to freedom of worship encompasses both Muslims and Christians. In fact, Obama himself confesses the Muslim faith though his mother was a Christian and his father a Muslim. Indeed, this seems to be a war between America and the Muslim. Obama being the president of America, having confessed Muslim, and Egypt being a Muslim nation he is in a contradicting position to address this issue. Hence, this issue is domineering over the others. Obama asserts that America has never been, is not, and will never be at war with Islam. He confirms that just like any other nation and faith, America only rejects the killing of innocent men, women, and children. He argues that even Muslims cannot condone such killings as the Quran forbids them. He also recognizes the words of the second President of the United States, John Ada ms who proclaimed that, America has no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility of Muslims (USA Today Web). However, he observes that it is his and other willing partner’s duty to confront violent extremists for the sake of American and world security. He also asserts that American has demonstrated its goals and quest for unity in fighting the violent extremists in Afghanistan. To this assertion, he reminds the audience that the United States had international support in pursuing al Qaeda and the Taliban. In fact, a coalition of 46 countries was in the pursuit (USA Today Web). Additionally, he asserts that America was justified to venture in that pursuit. He narrates that Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 innocent people from all nations on the September 11 attack with a vow to continue launching more killings. Indeed, these attacks have made some Americans to view Islam as an inevitably hostile way of life to all. As such, he argues that it was only fair for America, with the support of the international community, to pursue them with an aim of bringing justice to the victims and prevent more attacks. He however asserts that America will not keep its troops in Afghanistan for a long time. He confers that the pursuit has been costly, caused many casualties, and is politically difficult to manage.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Artificial Intelligence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Artificial Intelligence - Research Paper Example In this scenario, our capacity to merge knowledge from all these areas will eventually promote our progress in the pursuit of making an AI creature (Champandard) and (Russell and Norvig). This paper presents a detailed overview of artificial intelligence. This paper will also discuss various concepts that are associated with artificial intelligence. Background of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is the aspect of computer science which focuses on developing diverse machines that can carry out activities which people can think. Additionally, the idea to build intelligent machines has conspired individuals since earliest times and nowadays with the arrival of the computer technology along with fifty years of comprehensive study into artificial intelligence practices of programming, the vision of elegant and intelligent machines is turning out to be a certainty. ... Moreover, according to various researchers, AI has gone beyond far away from its preliminary derivation. In this scenario, the initial stages of artificial intelligence have gone reverse earlier than electronics field to mathematics as well as thinkers like that Boole and others who have been speculating the principles that were used as the foundation of the logic of artificial intelligence. Historically, the idea of artificial intelligence was first used in 1943 with the creation of the computer machine. More than the next 4 decades, regardless of numerous tentative obstructs; artificial intelligence has developed from several investigators, to thousands of diverse engineers as well as a lot of capacity building experts (ThinkQuest) and (Champandard). Furthermore, artificial intelligence has forever been on the revolutionary side of computer science technology. In this scenario, higher level languages of computer, as well as computer interfaces and word processing owe their continua tion to the study into AI. In addition, the hypothesis and perception produced by artificial intelligence research will put the development in the prospect of computer field. Moreover, a lot of products accessible nowadays are just bits and portions of what are presently to pursue, however they are considered as a progress in the direction of the upcoming era of AI. The developments in the pursuit intended for AI have, and will persist to influence our business processes, lives, education and other fields of life extensively (ThinkQuest) and (Champandard). History of Artificial Intelligence The development of AI myths can be drawn back to early Egypt, however with the creation of the electronic computer during the year 1941; the